Welcome To The Nigeria French Language Village .


Ø Provide a domestic alternative to the mandatory year- abroad language immersion programs for undergraduates of French studies from Nigerian Universities and Colleges of Education. 

Ø  Service tertiary institutions in Nigeria with adequate human, material and infrastructural backing for the effective teaching, learning as well as to the conduct of research in French 

Ø  Explore areas of the practical application of the French Language to the Nigerian situation. 

Ø  Promote economic, technical and social integration of the African Continent. 

Ø  Provide information and serve as a think-tank to government and other relevant corporate entities on the exploration and exploitation of the French Language in policy formulation and decision-making. 

Ø  Coordinate activities relating to the teaching and learning of French in Nigeria. 

Ø  Collaborate with relevant agencies in the setting and conduct of examinations, preparation of curricula as well as vital documentation on the French Language in Nigeria. 

Ø  Retrain teachers of French for the implementation of the policy-directive on French in Nigerian secondary schools.

Ø  Organise customised programmes for all categories of learners with a view to making the acquisition of French Language available to all interested Nigerians.


Our Vision

To empower all persons, irrespective of age, culture, creed or sex, with appropriate communication skills in the effective use of French Language at both professional and inter-personal levels.

Permettre à toute personne, indépendamment de l’âge, de la culture, de la croyance ou de sexe, d'acquérir les compétences de communication pour un usage efficace de la langue française tant au niveau professionnel qu'au niveau des relations interpersonnelles

Our Mission


To develop an outstanding center of excellence for the study, research and development of French in Nigeria using skilled and innovative personnel and applying appropriate modern technology and teaching methodology to foster a culture of transnational bilingualism for nation building, regional integration as well as international cooperation and understanding.  

Faire du VFN un pôle d’excellence dans l’enseignement, la recherche et la diffusion du français au Nigeria en s’appuyant sur un personnel bien qualifié et plein de ressources, en se servant des TICE pour promouvoir la culture du bilinguisme transfrontalier, vecteur d’intégration régionale, de coopération internationale et d’entente.